Boredom… Do you feel more like mates than lovers with your partner? Maybe craving affection and romance. Remembering the old days… Why does passion die? Read on to learn how to seduce your partner into love… What creates the attraction? I believe a large part of it is about our opposite polarities. The more polarised our magnets are, the stronger the attraction. David Deida and Michaela Boehm talk a lot about polarising our magnets. Read more about David Deida’s 3 stages of relationships here. The problem with long-term relationships is that we become too similar in our essence. Quite often I hear couples say: “We are more like flatmates now, we function together, take care of our kids. It’s like … Read More
Should I Stay or Should I Leave My Relationship?
Should I stay or should I leave? Tough question… And painful. Painful to stay feeling unfulfilled and unloved. Painful to leave not knowing if it’s the right decision. Especially if you have children. There is a reason why you want to figure out if your current relationship is right for you. Maybe you want to… experience a deep & fulfilling connection be seen and appreciated for who you are feel at home with your partner, peaceful and relaxed enjoy excitement and passion The problem is, if you are not sure whether to stay or not, this uncertainty can destroy your relationship. You need to know your love blueprint to make a decision that benefits everyone involved. Which one are you? … Read More
If your relationship is challenging or you’re tired of judging yourself, watch this.
If your relationship is challenging or you’re tired of judging yourself and feel like you’re not enough, then this video is for you. We’ll practise self-compassion. This practice is so important when our partner is not quite there for us. Maybe you had an argument or just feel a general sense of disconnection. Self-compassion will help you to be there for yourself, to be loving with yourself so you don’t close down on your partner and give them a cold shoulder. To re-connect we need to stay open and loving. It’s a big ask if we don’t feel that love and compassion. That’s where self-compassion practice is crucial. It helps you to stay open and loving even when your relationship … Read More
How to Stop Arguing About Money
Part One Money issues… (Do you want to know how to stop arguing about money?) Do you argue about money with your partner? Do you blame your partner for having a different way of dealing with money? Let’s stop the unnecessary arguments! All the conflict comes down to having different money blueprints. So what is a money blueprint? It is a relationship with money that people usually inherit from their parents. It’s the fears and hopes that people attach to money. It’s the way people deal with money and what money symbolises to them. Most of the time the problems that couples usually face are not about the amount of money as such, but about their different attitudes. Most couples attach opposing meaning to money and … Read More
Does you relationship suffer because you work too much?
Are you a business owner or a professional? Do you know how to create a balance between your work and your family life? Or does your family and, especially romantic life suffer from too much work? Creating a balance between your business and family life is no simple task. Having a business is like nursing a baby – you have to give your full attention to it but you also have to have a REAL relationship with your spouse and kids. It can be tough to do both of these things well, as we’re sure many of you know! I’ve just been interview for Get It Done Mum podcast. I shared my journey from being an unhappy accountant and feeling … Read More
Actress gives relationship tips on Twitter
The actress took to Twitter on Sunday, July 31, 2016 advising girls to “never settle for anyone who isn’t absolutely, insanely and foolishly happy to be with you.” Ghanaian actress Yvonne Nelson has joined the likes of Toke Makinwa and Ali Baba in giving love tips and advice to fans. The actress took to Twitter on Sunday, July 31, 2016 advising girls to “never settle for anyone who isn’t absolutely, insanely and foolishly happy to be with you.” According to her, “One mans “annoying female” is another mans “damn baby where you been all my life.” View her full tweets below: Original Link:
What Do Women Really Want?
Isn’t it amazing?! The research found that men who kiss their wives daily live 5 years longer! So when we are asking for more affection, we are doing it to prolong their lives! John Gottman done tons of research with couples. He teaches men how to understand and love women, how to handle our emotional storms. Because! Listen to this! ‘How a man understands and responds to a woman will determine his eventual wealth, his social status, his energy and motivation for life, his resilience, his mental and physical health, how well his immune system works, how well he copes with stress, his happiness at home and at work, his self-confidence, his friendships, his connection to his children, how his … Read More
You just had an argument. What to do?
You just had an argument. What to do? How to stop arguments from destroying the intimacy… Scan your body. Where do you feel tension? Do you clench your hands? How are your jaws feeling? If you are tense, you are in a defensive mode and that’s not the place to have a conversation from. Step out. Physically create distance with your partner. Then scan your body and breathe into the parts that feel tense. Move your arms, jaws, pelvis and breathe deeply into your belly and hips. Breathe into your heart and feel gratitude for the sun, your life, your breath. Do you feel calmer and more relaxed now? Or do you need to go for a walk, talk to … Read More
Use your man to have delicious ecstatic sex
Love is all about sharing, giving from an overflow. Love is not about trying to make our man to give us what we missed on in our childhood and what we are missing now. The simple truth here is, we are fully capable of giving ourselves what we need. It’s a marvellous thing to use your partner to share your joy and love of life. To be partners in the adventure of life. To do mischief together. To celebrate your beauty. To celebrate his beauty. To have delicious ecstatic sex. Use him for this! Please, please don’t use him to make you feel better when you feel crap. Don’t use him for security and as a wall between you … Read More
How to sustain passion in a committed relationship
Why do we lose passion in long-term relationships? How can we restore the intensity of feelings that we had in the beginning of our relationships? Yes, we need to learn a way of communication that inspires love and also we need to bring more feminine/masculine polarity into the relationship. Want to learn the communication formula that will give you all the love and affection that you need? Join us for a 3-hour workshop in Auckland “Fire Up Your Connection and Fall Deeply in Love Again”. There are women who are more masculine at their core, and there are men who are more feminine, naturally, at their core. However, most men are more masculine, and most women are more feminine. Frequently … Read More