Seduce Your Partner Into Love

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Boredom… Do you feel more like mates than lovers with your partner? Maybe craving affection and romance. Remembering the old days… Why does passion die? Read on to learn how to seduce your partner into love… What creates the attraction? I believe a large part of it is about our opposite polarities. The more polarised our magnets are, the stronger the attraction. David Deida and Michaela Boehm talk a lot about polarising our magnets. Read more about David Deida’s 3 stages of relationships here. The problem with long-term relationships is that we become too similar in our essence. Quite often I hear couples say: “We are more like flatmates now, we function together, take care of our kids. It’s like … Read More

Is your sex life boring?’ Here’s why…

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boring sex

Is your sex life boring? Sex… Enjoyable or frustrating? Supposed to be lots of fun, right? If sex is not as fulfilling as you want it to be… …you might have a nun/monk archetype as part of your psyche. An archetype is an energy that represents universal patterns of human nature. Most of us are familiar with a hero or mother archetypes. (read Sacred Contracts by Caroline Myss for more info on archetypes and how they play out in our lives). If you have Monk/Nun archetype as part of your psyche (no, you don’t have to be an actual nun to have this archetype) and you are not engaging a spiritual dimension of sex… it could be difficult for you … Read More

Are you feeling confident and radiant?

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Are you feeling confident and radiant? Attractive and comfortable in your own skin? Or do you expect someone else to make you feel better? The most important thing in reclaiming our magnetic feminine power is a need to feel comfortable and confident in our own skin. We need to love our body and be happy to share its delights with our lover. How can we fully enjoy someone touching us and looking at us if we think that the body we were gifted for this life is in some way defective and not good enough.

Tantric Practice for Women

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Hi Gorgeous Are you interested in exploring Tantra? Here is a gentle practice for you, which can be quite profound. Feel your yoni (Tantra word for female genitals), your sexual centre and the seat of your pleasure. Feel your heart centre in the middle of your chest, the seat of your love. Imagine that you have a channel extending from your yoni into your heart. Breathe in from your yoni up the channel and into your heart. Breathe out from your heart into your yoni. Feel these two beautiful centres connecting, uniting your pleasure and your love.     Warmly, Tarisha Tourok Re-Ignite Your Love Coach

Are You Boring Your Man to Death?

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We all need to feel safe & secure: it is a basic human need. For women safety is very important; when we feel secure we are free to open up and can dive deep into our feminine side. That’s why we love strong men, we feel secure and able to let go. Men need to feel secure as well. They need to know that they are loved unconditionally and that we are there for them. When your man makes a mistake or is struggling, do you take that moment to tear him down or to build him up? Does he know you got his back, that you are there for him? Sometimes my partner waits to the last minute to … Read More

What’s the point of sex?

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What’s the point of sex? What’s the point of love-making? Do you know? Do you? Yes, it’s all about connecting to the other, connecting and seeing deeply into the other. And showing yourself, fully, completely. Do you do it? Do you allow to be seen? Do you really see the one you are with? Love you! Tarisha Tourok Creating the deepest intimacy possible Coach

Exercise to awaken sensuality

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Sitting now, just start listening for all the sounds. The sounds far away. And the sounds in the room. Is it loud or quiet? Then smell. What does it smell of? Become your nose. Discover the world through your nose. What does it tell you? Then touch your computer or your hand. What do you feel? Is it warm or cold, smooth or rough? Become your hand, feel the world through your hand. Enjoy the sensations of touch. Feel that you are giving love through your touch. Become fully absorbed in the action of touch. That’s how you need to touch your man so that he feels your love without words. That’s how you can awaken love in him. Look … Read More

What a magical event we created!

admindivine feminine, love, new zealand workshops, passion, relationships, self-development, sex, women cirlceLeave a Comment

Greetings beautiful What a magical and powerful journey into the world of love and passion we had last weekend!  I’m tremendously grateful to all the participants for being so open and authentic, for being so passionate about creating more love in your life and really taking responsibility for it.  Thank you! The event we all created was truly magical, with some very deep transformations for women.  And all of you became so Radiant by the end of our time together! Here is what some of the participants said afterwards: “I can’t believe my relationship with my husband changed so much!  We are again in love as 14 years ago, but now this feels so much deeper.  Wow!  Just in one … Read More