Are you in the right relationship?

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are you in the right relationship

The relationship road could be hellish…  It seems that the story of ‘happily ever after’ doesn’t stand the test of reality… Relationships are a fast track to personal growth. And somehow humans grow through discomfort and tension.  Good news: if you are having problems in your relationship – it’s normal. What is your experience? Hit reply to share. None of us are perfect people. So it makes sense that relationship between two imperfect humans is challenging. We all misinterpret things, react and get upset. It’s okay. It’s part of being human. I know, I know, we are tricked into believing that if we find that perfect partner, it’d be all chocolate and roses. And some of us continue looking for … Read More

Conversations That Matter

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conversations that matter

I’ve recently came back from the Feminine Power retreat in San Francisco with over one hundred gorgeous women. Wow! It was so profound! In the morning, during in-sessions, at lunch, at dinner and on our walks we were having conversations that matter. I never felt so heard, understood, seen, appreciated and inspired to do my work. It’s amazing how much intimacy and connection ‘just listening’ creates. Are you having conversations that matter in your relationships? Or do you mainly discuss functional details of life with your partner? Now is the time to start having conversations that matter! Here are the steps: 1. Take a moment to breathe deeply and focus on your inner world. What’s really going on with you? … Read More

Game Change Kate and Henare O’Brien

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I recently attended the Game Change Live event presented by Kate and Henare O’Brien. You know, I’ve never seen anything like it. I have attended tons of self-development workshops and business training seminars, from Tantra, to breath work, to finding your life’s purpose, to creating amazing retreats, etc. But this one was special.   Mainly because of who Kate and Henare are. It was a show; a very entertaining and soul moving show, but so authentic.  It was as if Henare acted, but at the same time, he was not acting. His essence moved him in all sorts of entertaining and deeply exposing directions. I was mesmerised. I couldn’t take my eyes off of the stage. In what other ways … Read More

How to Fix Your Marriage

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how to fix my marriage

Are You Trying to Figure Out How to Fix Your Marriage? Is this the question you are going to bed with: “How do I fix my marriage?” What if encountering difficulties in your relationship is not a problem? What if you don’t need to focus on fixing problems? Relationships are about growth and expansion. If you are prepared to grow and become the best possible version of yourself, then relationships are for you! Are you IN? Here is what Peter Pearson from The Couples Institute says:

5 Ways Relationships Affect Your Health

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Do you know that loving relationships greatly affect our health? Here is what new research says: Here is what new research says:   People (including adolescents!) had lower blood pressure when they spent more (vs. less) time with other people (i.e., were more socially integrated). Adolescents were less likely to be obese when they spent more (vs. less) time with other people (i.e., were more socially integrated). Adults were less likely to be obese when they had more (vs. less) social support. Alternatively, adults were more likely to be obese when they had more (vs. less) social strain. These obesity findings held even when the researchers took into account whether or not people smoked, exercised, drank alcohol, had diabetes, were … Read More

Commitment benefits

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“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” William Hutchinson Murray … Read More

Do you have relationship problems? Maybe you are making these relationship mistakes…

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Do you argue with your partner? Or maybe you feel unsupported and disconnected? A happy and loving relationship requires you to avoid a few key mistakes. And a loving relationship with lots of support is why you’re here, right? Let’s take a closer look at the 3 key mistakes and what to do instead: Mistake #1 – Jumping at blaming your partner for what doesn’t work   We see that things are not happening as we want them to and we start feeling victimised by what our partner does. We blame him for not getting what we want. We might even start thinking that we need to change our partner. We think, my needs are not being fulfilled therefore I’m … Read More

How to sustain passion in a committed relationship

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couples counselling auckland 13

Why do we lose passion in long-term relationships? How can we restore the intensity of feelings that we had in the beginning of our relationships? Yes, we need to learn a way of communication that inspires love and also we need to bring more feminine/masculine polarity into the relationship. Want to learn the communication formula that will give you all the love and affection that you need? Join us for a 3-hour workshop in Auckland “Fire Up Your Connection and Fall Deeply in Love Again”. There are women who are more masculine at their core, and there are men who are more feminine, naturally, at their core. However, most men are more masculine, and most women are more feminine. Frequently … Read More

Secrets that men will never tell you but you need to know to relax in love

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Discover these differences between men and women to create a passionate marriage and long-lasting love. Do you ever wonder why your man is ignoring you, why he looks at other women and how to get his attention? Watch this video!  Secrets that men would never tell you… But! You need to know to create a magical intimate relationship. Secret number 1 – he wants to make you happy Somehow, when they make us happy, they feel much happier if they just did something for themselves. Their intent is always good; it’s their lack of knowledge that hurts us and makes us feel unloved. What makes you feel loved? Share this with your man! I promise, he’d be thrilled to make … Read More

The 7 Habits of Smart Magnetic Women. How to Be Happy In Your Relationship & Mesmerize Your Man.

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mesmerize your man

By harnessing the power of habit you can enjoy the life and relationship you really want. Here are the seven habits of smart magnetic women that will keep you feeling nurtured and vibrant with lots of love in your heart. Are these habits part of your daily life? Which ones do you need to adopt to create the life that delights you? There is simply no way to create a deep intimate connection with your partner, if you don’t prioritise your self-care. If you don’t have a habit of putting yourself first on your to-do list, then you probably feel resentful and depleted, or blame your partner for not giving you what you need. This energy is not magnetic! And … Read More