The most essential tip to have more intimacy

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Hi Beautiful, You can only change your relationship if you take full responsibility for it. I hear so often that women start to blame their partner, he’s that and he does that and doesn’t do this. How often do you blame your partner? I know it happens to me, even knowing all this stuff I still need to be very aware and take full responsibility for my actions and my contribution to the relationship. The truth is, if we blame, we can’t really change anything. We go into a victim mode and loose all power. To start changing things the first step is to take full responsibility for what’s happening in the present moment.   What is it that you … Read More

How can I love you more?

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How can I love you more?   This is the question that came to me today. I realised; until now my question was “How can I get more love?” And what conditions need to be satisfied before I’m ready to love. I’ve been asking my partner to give me more love and attention. To give me safety. And only then I’d be open to love. Now, my question is “How can I express my love? How can I love you more?” And I see how everyone, everyone, gives me a chance to love more. When my children are acting out and fighting, they are giving me an opportunity to love them more. When my partner is upset with me and … Read More

Do you enjoy a passionate marriage? Or are you bored and wondering how to bring more excitement into your relationship?

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Do you enjoy a passionate marriage? Or are you bored and wondering how to bring more excitement into your relationship? “Vulnerability is one of the most powerful tools you can acquire as a sexual being, because it unlocks a lover’s storehouse of arousal and feeling. When you let yourself be known in a non-defensive way your partner becomes willing to connect with you in a full-being, intimate, and very turned-on way.” Susan Bratton from Personal Life Media Do you allow yourself to be vulnerable with your partner? I know it’s not easy. And somehow we might even think that it’s a sign of weakness. It’s really hard for me when I feel deeply hurt. I try, I fail, I try, … Read More

David Deida 3 Stages of Intimate Relationships

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I love David Deida’s style. His writing awakens all the romantic feelings in me and my admiration of men. I become all dreamy and want to know how else my relating can be enhanced. According to David Deida, an international teacher and author, there are 3 stages of relating. He calls these stages Dependent, 50 / 50, and Intimate Communion. What stage is your relationship in? If you are not at the third stage, start dreaming! I know it’s possible. I know you have the power to create that for yourself. Here are David Deida 3 Stages of Intimate Relationships: Stage One – Dependent relationship  “A Dependent Relationship involves partners who become dependent on each other for money, emotional support, parenting … Read More

Do You Understand What Motivates Your Partner?

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How on earth are we supposed to appreciate our partner if we feel that he doesn’t care, and he behaves in ways that hurt us? We need to first understand why our partner is doing what he is doing and find a way to step into a state of love and appreciation. Only then can we authentically appreciate him. Do you understand what motivates your partner or you just assume that you know (especially when you don’t like what he is doing)?

Who Do You Blame For Lack of Intimacy and Excitement?

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Do you feel a lack of intimacy and excitement in your relationship? Who do you blame for it? I often hear women blaming their partners, accusing them of unacceptable behaviour and a lack of consideration. Women don’t realise that by blaming they imply their own powerlessness in the relationship. Ironically, that is probably what men would say too. An extract from my book. I offer you a gift of downloading the first chapter for free so you can start transforming your relationship straight away!