The actress took to Twitter on Sunday, July 31, 2016 advising girls to “never settle for anyone who isn’t absolutely, insanely and foolishly happy to be with you.” Ghanaian actress Yvonne Nelson has joined the likes of Toke Makinwa and Ali Baba in giving love tips and advice to fans. The actress took to Twitter on Sunday, July 31, 2016 advising girls to “never settle for anyone who isn’t absolutely, insanely and foolishly happy to be with you.” According to her, “One mans “annoying female” is another mans “damn baby where you been all my life.” View her full tweets below: Original Link:
The Truth About Divorce Statistics
Wow! I was wrong! And I’m so happy about it! Apparently, the truth about marriage is that divorce is getting less common! Great news! Apparently, we started to learn how to do relationships, we started to wait a bit longer to get married and so we are more mature for the expansion the marriage offers. Read more here:
Restoring Love with the Scaffold of Secure Functioning
Loving and supportive relationships give us as a strong foundation. To become wildly successful we need support! However, what I notice quite often is that we stay in a state of fight or flight with our partners. Somehow, our partners know exactly how to step on our most painful places. Has this been your experience? It doesn’t have to be this way! Read this article to find out more on how relationship therapy can help here.
Feel bored?
Whenever you feel bored with life or your partner, it means you are not really living; you are pushing some of your feelings away and live mechanically.
How can I love you more?
How can I love you more? This is the question that came to me today. I realised; until now my question was “How can I get more love?” And what conditions need to be satisfied before I’m ready to love. I’ve been asking my partner to give me more love and attention. To give me safety. And only then I’d be open to love. Now, my question is “How can I express my love? How can I love you more?” And I see how everyone, everyone, gives me a chance to love more. When my children are acting out and fighting, they are giving me an opportunity to love them more. When my partner is upset with me and … Read More
David Deida 3 Stages of Intimate Relationships
I love David Deida’s style. His writing awakens all the romantic feelings in me and my admiration of men. I become all dreamy and want to know how else my relating can be enhanced. According to David Deida, an international teacher and author, there are 3 stages of relating. He calls these stages Dependent, 50 / 50, and Intimate Communion. What stage is your relationship in? If you are not at the third stage, start dreaming! I know it’s possible. I know you have the power to create that for yourself. Here are David Deida 3 Stages of Intimate Relationships: Stage One – Dependent relationship “A Dependent Relationship involves partners who become dependent on each other for money, emotional support, parenting … Read More
Trust, Openness, Intimacy – What is your Relationship Intention?
How is your love life? If it’s not quite the way you want it, I wonder if you’ve created an intention to manifest the relationship that you really want? We need to let the universe know what we desire to create in our lives. Once we see the image of where we want to be and are able to articulate it, the universe has a chance to help us align our life with our vision. Once we know where we want to go, that vision draws us forward, and we see the reason for changing our habits. Our vision inspires us and keeps us moving forward, especially when our path seems littered with obstacles and progress feels slow. When I … Read More
Not Your Ordinary Relationship Coach in New Zealand
WARNING: I’m not your ordinary relationship coach from New Zealand, giving you advice on what to say to your man or how to look at him in a way you hope will make him love you more. I focus on who you are in the relationship rather than on what you do. We can change our behaviour, but if we don’t change what we believe about ourselves and life, nothing will really change. Simply adjusting our behaviour can be superficial, manipulative, and hard to sustain. Some relationship coaches tell you, for example, not to criticise your man and to appreciate him. How on earth are we supposed to do that if we feel that he doesn’t care, and he behaves in ways that hurt … Read More
Do You Inspire Your Partner to Love You?
What’s your favourite way to inspire your partner to love you?
What a magical event we created!
Greetings beautiful What a magical and powerful journey into the world of love and passion we had last weekend! I’m tremendously grateful to all the participants for being so open and authentic, for being so passionate about creating more love in your life and really taking responsibility for it. Thank you! The event we all created was truly magical, with some very deep transformations for women. And all of you became so Radiant by the end of our time together! Here is what some of the participants said afterwards: “I can’t believe my relationship with my husband changed so much! We are again in love as 14 years ago, but now this feels so much deeper. Wow! Just in one … Read More