My new upcoming book!

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An intro for my upcoming book ‘How to make him fall in love with you all over again: 7 weeks to more intimacy & delicious sex’ Here we are! ‘Love is so precious. Oh, the feeling of being totally completely in love! Sparkle in the eyes, everything makes sense, there is purpose to everything, the sun is shining so much brighter and rain is so romantic. The power of love! It transforms the world, t…he whole experience of my life. The delicious tingling in my body, the expectation of seeing Him and the delight of looking into His eyes! The connection beyond all words, seeing into each other beyond our physical forms. Oh, and not to forget the joy of … Read More

India. Mumbai. Airport.

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That’s why I love to fly. I never live so intensely. No yesterday, no tomorrow. Just me, all alone, crying out of beauty and la tristesse. Feeling, to the point of blowing up my heart, people I’m in love with, those that I’m leaving, breaking up with. With a crystal clear feeling I’ll never see you again. Almost screaming out of love and blissful pain. The maximum flavour of my life experience. Everything is so important, has so much sense, hidden purpose of things floating on the surface. Something called I is dancing in the air and there is nothing. Nothing holding me here, nothing giving me any purpose, nothing to go for. I’m just the sound ‘Ahhh’. Chilled can … Read More

Wasted years of life?

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feminine essence 3

Hi Beautiful What can bring us more joy and happiness than love? When a woman is in love, she sparkles, her eyes shine and she’s so beautiful. Love feeds our soul. When I lack love in my life, I feel deeply unfulfilled and no matter how busy and successful I appear on the outside, deep inside I feel lack of joy, lack of fulfilment, like something essential is missing and no amount of raw chocolate can bring it back. I want to inspire you to take action and create a loving and fulfilling relationship. It is in your power, you can do this, you don’t have to wait for someone to save you, to change your life. Because if you … Read More

I fell in love with human race

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  Oh, I have to tell you what I saw today! It took me by surprise It gave me so much joy My breath is pounding love Red roses in my heart … I saw myself in you I felt your gentle touch I’m flying high as a balloon That Nika couldn’t hold No more of lie No stopping me To my surprise I fell in love with human race I used to hate.

Create an Intimate Experience

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Hi Beautiful I was inspired by a Woman with a Rose in her heart to share this practice with you. Do you want to feel closer to your man? Do you want to have deeper connection? A very simple practice for you to start with. Imagine, see, or feel yourself as a Goddess, beautiful and delicious. Invite your man on a date. Decorate your bedroom with flowers and candles. Put some soft music on. Have a bath, touch your body lovingly, admiring yourself. Dress in something flowing and feminine. Embody the Goddess. When you light the candles, feel how you as a Goddess create beautiful intimate space for your date. Invite your partner to enter your bedroom, your temple. Tell him that you want to … Read More

A dating manual for men. Tip #6

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Tip#6: Give space for her emotions. Don’t assume that whatever she feels is because of you. We are feeling beings. When she’s angry, don’t assume she’s angry at you, even if she says so. She’s just angry! Don’t try to change or fix her emotions. Just listen. ‘What else, sweetheart? Is this all?’ You’ll be the best man ever! Don’t fix her or try to change her state, just let her feel and get it out. You might feel proud in making her happy, but the truth is, it’s just her nature J

Exercise to awaken sensuality

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Sitting now, just start listening for all the sounds. The sounds far away. And the sounds in the room. Is it loud or quiet? Then smell. What does it smell of? Become your nose. Discover the world through your nose. What does it tell you? Then touch your computer or your hand. What do you feel? Is it warm or cold, smooth or rough? Become your hand, feel the world through your hand. Enjoy the sensations of touch. Feel that you are giving love through your touch. Become fully absorbed in the action of touch. That’s how you need to touch your man so that he feels your love without words. That’s how you can awaken love in him. Look … Read More


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If your senses are not developed or dull, you are more prone to depression and feelings of sadness, emptiness or boredom. Once you awaken your senses, your world will become brighter, you will start experiencing spontaneous joy and delight, and you will start seeing more colours and flowers around you. The experience of pleasure is everywhere, like bare feet in the sand, a ray of the sun on your skin, a delicious taste of raw chocolate, or a smell of a flower. Even touching the floor can become pleasurable and an expression of love. Awakening your senses can really enhance your total life experience to its maximum potential. And we, women, can be so sensual! We can experience so much … Read More