In our modern busy lives we are so engrossed in doing and achieving that our senses are quite often dulled. Do you feel connected to your body? Do you savour your food? Are you fully present when you relate to others? Do you listen attentively and really hear what the other is saying? We are capable of so much pleasure! Are you ready to fully step in your body and become an ecstatic pleasure Goddess? Touch is one of the greatest ways to step into this experience. Do you know that babies don’t survive if they don’t get at least some touch? Sacred Sensual Massage is a very safe and sacred space to experience exquisite touch, nurturing and pleasure. You’ll … Read More
I need to feel a strong and confident man in my lover to feel sexually attracted to him
I had an ‘aha’ moment yesterday. I don’t feel sexual when my lover approaches me in his ‘boy’ energy. I can feel compassionate, nurturing and loving, but not sexual. I need to feel a strong and confident Man in him to feel sexual. And it made me think. Do I approach my man feeling as a little girl and then wonder why he is not sexually attracted to me? Do you? Do you feel sexually attracted to your man when he’s feeling and behaving as a little hurt boy? Do you expect him to feel attracted to you when you feel as a little girl?
Connect to your partner before going into sex.
Breathing together and eye gazing are the best tools to connect and be in sync, so each of you feels what the other wants. You will move together, breathe together, almost have one heartbeat and this will allow you to experience the ecstatic bliss of being intimate with your man.
I fell in love with human race
Oh, I have to tell you what I saw today! It took me by surprise It gave me so much joy My breath is pounding love Red roses in my heart I saw myself in you I felt your gentle touch I’m flying high as a balloon That Nika couldn’t hold No more of lie No stopping me To my surprise I fell in love with human race I used to hate.
Fill up your love tanks
For you to enjoy your man you need to have your love tanks full before you meet him. Of course, sometimes it’s nice to moan about how unfair life is and let him prove to you that you are beautiful and smart and good, but this can’t be the basis for your relationship. It’s just plain unfair to him. from my book ‘How to make him fall in love with you all over again: 7 weeks to more intimacy and delicious sex’
I’m in love!
Oh, what a wonderful, wonderful, joyful and so transformational sacred sexuality training we had! It is such a gift to be able to look deeper at myself, learn new tools and share beautiful time with passionate, vibrant and authentic people. What a joy! Well, I planned to have fun and playful time, but it didn’t quite happen this way since my partner decided to do the training as well. I must say, it was very challenging to face my and his fears and expectations of us and our relationship. It really made us question why are we together, what do we really want from each other and what do we need to do to grow together, walk together our path … Read More
Are you ready to stop arguing?
“You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew” Albert Einstein Does it happen that you argue about the same thing again and again? In my experience repetition brings a sense of despair and helplessness, oh no, again! We’ll never understand each other! What’s underneath these problems? What causes them? Why do they repeat? We usually believe we know how things are supposed to be done and criticise the other person for not doing it our way. We get into a box and try to make the other to step into our box. Of course he resists! He doesn’t want to leave his box for our one. How do … Read More
Do you feel grateful?
Hi Beautiful I have a very short Homeplay for you today. Write a gratitude letter to your partner. What do you appreciate him for? What does he mean to you? What do you love about him? Gratitude creates plenitude and then we are able to share more love with others. Gratitude will open up your heart and give you tingly warm feeling. And of course if you share it with your partner, he’s eyes will start to shine! But you don’t have to share if you don’t feel comfortable. Enjoy! With all my heart, Tarisha TourokRe-Ignite Your Passion P.S. Are you ready to go deeper, step into your magnetic sensuality and turn your relationship around? Click here for a … Read More
We need sex!
We need sex! It’s not just about pleasure, it’s so important for our wellbeing and full enjoyment of life! So, have as much sex as you can fit into your busy lifestyle and make it more important than going to the gym. This is your most important workout! Take it seriously, I mean the booking of your dates and have as much wild fun or soft melting intimacy as your system can take.
From my book
Imagine yourself finding a tiny fire that is almost gone, but you can feel a bit of warmth there. You left it unattended and you forgot how important it is for you to cook, to be warm, to survive and dream. Now you start gently slowly blowing onto it, put little kindling in and with patience it re-ignites! You jump up, joyful in your success, dancing around the fire and promising yourself to never forget it again. And now with all the years of your experience you can make this fire even brighter!