By harnessing the power of habit you can enjoy the life and relationship you really want.
Here are the seven habits of smart magnetic women that will keep you feeling nurtured and vibrant with lots of love in your heart.
Are these habits part of your daily life? Which ones do you need to adopt to create the life that delights you?
There is simply no way to create a deep intimate connection with your partner, if you don’t prioritise your self-care.
If you don’t have a habit of putting yourself first on your to-do list, then you probably feel resentful and depleted, or blame your partner for not giving you what you need.
This energy is not magnetic! And your partner won’t be inspired to give you what you need if you appear resentful, demanding or needy.
So, what can you do about it?
Put first attention on yourself. Find out what you feel, and what you need. Fill your love tanks up. When we are nourished we are more relaxed. Also, when we are more relaxed, we have the ability to make a request, rather than blame.
Of course we know that there is a request behind every blame. But when we feel stressed and unloved, it might be really hard to make a request that inspires action. The resentment will sneak out, he’ll sense it, and shut down. The energy behind your requests is crucial.
I invite you to take a stand for your life and practice extreme self-care. What makes your eyes shine? What fulfils you, and makes the stars fall out of your heart, and onto every passer-by?
There are seven fundamentals that are vital for women to fully enjoy life.
#1. Movement
To connect to our bodies, we need movement that brings us joy. Are you dancing, or practicing any other kind of movement that makes you feel excited, and ready to jump out of bed? Think of movement rather than exercise. The thought of exercise can be draining, and that is the opposite of what we need.
#2. Healthy Diet
Yes, Beautiful, yes. Healthy eating is important for love.
How is your diet? Sometimes nutritionists make it rather hard. In fact, it’s pretty simple. Eat more raw greens, colourful veggies, and fruits. Buy as little as possible packaged food, and drink lots of pure water. Homemade food prepared with love, and joy can do miracles. Start eating more fruits, and sweet root vegetables, and you will have fewer cravings for sweets.
I invite you to become curious about your relationship with food, and start treating your body with love and respect, as if you are feeding your baby. Of course, you want to feed your baby the most nutritious food.
#3. Sleep
We need rest. Sleep is so essential for us to feel sexy and loving. Don’t underestimate its significance? They say that for our biological clock to be at its best, we need to go to sleep by ten at night, and get up by seven in the morning. This makes us feel thrilled about the new day, and more inclined to share our love with our man. Do you feel loving and sexy when you are tired? Make it a habit to go to bed by ten, in order to enjoy your dreams.
Sleep is far from a waste of time. It recharges our batteries, fills us up with patience and love, and allows our spirits to process each day’s events in a gentle manner.
#4. Spending Time with Girlfriends
It’s amazing what the company of women can do for us. Have you tried a girls’ weekend away? It can do wonders. We nourish each other, and we fill each other with sensual, calm, and nurturing energy. Finally, talking about our feelings without someone else, trying to solve the problem. What a miracle. Girlfriends are the best people to talk with, and unload our “stuff.”. They listen, and know we just need to talk, and empty our heads. After we are nourished and cleansed, we have much more capacity to meet our men, and be ready for romance.
#5. Time Alone and Spiritual Practice
How do you feel after spending time by yourself? With our busy lifestyles, we often forget how good it feels to spend time alone, and connect with ourselves.
We need to have alone time to centre ourselves, and check what is happening inside. We need time to distance ourselves from our life’s everyday issues. We need time to see the bigger picture, to plug into the energy of the universe, and to sense the higher purpose of our lives.
#6. Time with Nature
Fresh air heals our bodies, purifies us, and gives us so much energy. The sun energises us, increases our happiness hormones, and supplies our bodies with important vitamin D. The wind blows out destructive thoughts, and wakes up the sensuality of our skin.
#7. Sensual Touch and Sex
“Sensory stimulation is a nutrient that the brain must have to develop and function normally.”
~James Prescott
Make a “touching date” with your man. It’s better to agree that you won’t go into sex. Just caress each other, feeling the skin, and awakening your senses. Choose whose turn is first to receive and indulge in the feelings without trying to give your touch, and love at the same time. Be totally selfish! Then, when it’s your turn to give, fully give, and enjoy giving. If you touch each other at the same time, it diffuses the intensity, and doesn’t give so much pleasure. Try to be in a completely giving or receiving mode. This can feel very vulnerable and exciting; so explore!
We need sex. It’s not just about pleasure; it’s important for our well-being, and full enjoyment of life.
So, by taking care of yourself, you will take care of your relationship. Not caring about yourself is selfish. You are less patient and have less to give.
Filling up your love tanks is one of the steps from my Re-ignite Your Love 7-Step System.
“I Feel Like I Was Given a New Life.”
“I can’t believe my relationship with my husband changed so much! We are again in love just like we were 20 years ago, but now this feels so much deeper. Wow! Where were you before, Tarisha? I feel like I was given a new life.”
Susan, Auckland, New Zealand