Exercise to awaken sensuality

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Sitting now, just start listening for all the sounds. The sounds far away. And the sounds in the room. Is it loud or quiet?

Then smell. What does it smell of? Become your nose. Discover the world through your nose. What does it tell you?

Then touch your computer or your hand. What do you feel? Is it warm or cold, smooth or rough? Become your hand, feel the world through your hand. Enjoy the sensations of touch. Feel that you are giving love through your touch. Become fully absorbed in the action of touch. That’s how you need to touch your man so that he feels your love without words. That’s how you can awaken love in him.

Look at something with intensity and total absorption. See all the tiny details, shades and colours.

What is the taste that you have in your mouth now? Is it sweet or sour? Intense or mild?

Become totally absorbed in all of your senses. Feel how you are expanding and how this moment becomes richer and brighter.

Practise using more of your senses everyday for 5 minutes. Please let me know how you feel and what changes in your life! You will become a sensual, magnetic Woman. Your partner won’t be able to resist you!

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