Are you really committed to having a relationship you desire?!

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Hi Gorgeous

For today I have only questions 🙂

What kind of a relationship do you desire?  See a picture of it, smell it, taste it, feel it

  • What do you want to experience in a relationship?
  • What do you want to give?
  • What do you want to receive?

And now tell me, how much are you committed to changing your relationship?  To create a relationship you dream about? A relationship full of love, intimacy, understanding, support and fun?  On a scale from 1 to 100, how committed are you?

And now, close your eyes, breath into your hips, breath into your heart and ask yourself: ‘What is one thing that I can do/not do that can change my relationship?’

Will you do it?

With all my love!

Tarisha Tourok
Re-Ignite Your Passion Coach

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