Breathing together and eye gazing are the best tools to connect and be in sync, so each of you feels what the other wants. You will move together, breathe together, almost have one heartbeat and this will allow you to experience the ecstatic bliss of being intimate with your man.
I’m in love!
Oh, what a wonderful, wonderful, joyful and so transformational sacred sexuality training we had! It is such a gift to be able to look deeper at myself, learn new tools and share beautiful time with passionate, vibrant and authentic people. What a joy! Well, I planned to have fun and playful time, but it didn’t quite happen this way since my partner decided to do the training as well. I must say, it was very challenging to face my and his fears and expectations of us and our relationship. It really made us question why are we together, what do we really want from each other and what do we need to do to grow together, walk together our path … Read More
We need sex!
We need sex! It’s not just about pleasure, it’s so important for our wellbeing and full enjoyment of life! So, have as much sex as you can fit into your busy lifestyle and make it more important than going to the gym. This is your most important workout! Take it seriously, I mean the booking of your dates and have as much wild fun or soft melting intimacy as your system can take.
From my book
Imagine yourself finding a tiny fire that is almost gone, but you can feel a bit of warmth there. You left it unattended and you forgot how important it is for you to cook, to be warm, to survive and dream. Now you start gently slowly blowing onto it, put little kindling in and with patience it re-ignites! You jump up, joyful in your success, dancing around the fire and promising yourself to never forget it again. And now with all the years of your experience you can make this fire even brighter!
Wasted years of life?
Hi Beautiful What can bring us more joy and happiness than love? When a woman is in love, she sparkles, her eyes shine and she’s so beautiful. Love feeds our soul. When I lack love in my life, I feel deeply unfulfilled and no matter how busy and successful I appear on the outside, deep inside I feel lack of joy, lack of fulfilment, like something essential is missing and no amount of raw chocolate can bring it back. I want to inspire you to take action and create a loving and fulfilling relationship. It is in your power, you can do this, you don’t have to wait for someone to save you, to change your life. Because if you … Read More
Tarisha & Nika
Create an Intimate Experience
Hi Beautiful I was inspired by a Woman with a Rose in her heart to share this practice with you. Do you want to feel closer to your man? Do you want to have deeper connection? A very simple practice for you to start with. Imagine, see, or feel yourself as a Goddess, beautiful and delicious. Invite your man on a date. Decorate your bedroom with flowers and candles. Put some soft music on. Have a bath, touch your body lovingly, admiring yourself. Dress in something flowing and feminine. Embody the Goddess. When you light the candles, feel how you as a Goddess create beautiful intimate space for your date. Invite your partner to enter your bedroom, your temple. Tell him that you want to … Read More
Are you frustrated or angry at your man? A secret for you…
Hi Beautiful Are you frustrated or angry at your man for something he’s done or hasn’t done? If you are, check with your body how does it feel and where in the body do you keep your anger and frustration. Do you feel this place? How intense is the energy there? If you give it a voice, what does it say? Does it need you to do anything? And now physically change your position and imagine that you are stepping into your partner’s body. How does it feel to be him? See the situation you are frustrated about from inside of his body. What does he have to say? It helps to speak out loud and use ‘I’ as if … Read More
Seeing with eyes of Love meditation
Hello Beautiful A simple but very powerful practice for you. Seeing with eyes of love meditation. This meditation connects you eyes and your heart. Change from looking to receiving the other through your eyes. Sit with your partner and look at each other for 10 minutes just receiving your partner. This kind of vision activates your right brain and enhances feelings of love and connection. This is a wonderful meditaiton to practice during lovemaking. Receive and open up to love. To your passionate life, Tarisha Tourok Re-Ignite Your Passion Coach
Are you really committed to having a relationship you desire?!
Hi Gorgeous For today I have only questions 🙂 What kind of a relationship do you desire? See a picture of it, smell it, taste it, feel it What do you want to experience in a relationship? What do you want to give? What do you want to receive? And now tell me, how much are you committed to changing your relationship? To create a relationship you dream about? A relationship full of love, intimacy, understanding, support and fun? On a scale from 1 to 100, how committed are you? And now, close your eyes, breath into your hips, breath into your heart and ask yourself: ‘What is one thing that I can do/not do that can change my relationship?’ Will you do … Read More
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