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Tarisha’s article in the Western Leader


Reporter Simon Smith caught up with me to find out about my very exciting and unusual job. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, Simon is a wonderful and calm reporter.

Some of the questions that he asked me:

What is love?

Western Leader 22 jan 15“For me it is a feeling when I’m with my partner that we are together and there is a deep connection. We support each other in growing together. Oh, and there’s lots of fun and excitement as well.”

What does your job entail?

“I help people to create more love in their relationships and to understand each other better. Usually it’s people in long-term relationships who find the passion and love goes away. I help them overcome differences and resolve arguments to connect on a deeper level.”

What things create the disconnect between partners?

“It’s when we take each other and the relationship for granted and we don’t create a special space to connect and be together. I also find that in our culture we don’t good role models because often our parents weren’t in a very loving harmonious relationship.”

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Tarisha in Go To Girl Podcast

You’re going to love this Go to Girl: Social Media & Networking podcast interview with Tarisha Tourok from Deeply in Love Again.

We’re tackling a topic that doesn’t often get airtime but is very inter-related with business… Relationships & how a Happy Relationship can Create a Happy Business. *She even says the ‘E’ word!

Click here to listen!


Take action to nourish relationships

Are you in a committed relationship but feeling that passion and love starting to subside? Read on for Laingholm love coach Tarisha Tourok’s top three tips to make this Valentines Day the most romantic ever.

published article western leader 12 feb 2015 whole paper

Sex Therapist New Zealand professional development conference

Tarisha presented at the Sex Therapists professional development conference in March 2016. Topic: “The power of Tantra:  breath, synchronicity and connection.” An experiential workshop led by Tarisha Tourok

Learn more about Sex Therapy New Zealand here.

Eden Festival 2016

Tarisha presented at the Eden Festival in Feburay 2016. Topic “Fire Up Your Connection” – what couples need to know about creating deeply intimate relationships.

Click here to find out more about Eden Festival.

published article western leader 12 feb 2015 whole paper

Tarisha on Get It Done Mum podcast


I’ve just been interview for Get It Done Mum podcast. I shared my journey from being an unhappy accountant and feeling disconnected with my former partner, to a relationship coach full of energy and enthusiasm for my new life and deeply fulfilling coaching business. Click here to listen in.

Don’t miss this interview as I reveal how to get the mojo back in your relationship, and how to approach a partner who is not supportive of your business. Watch the full interview here or check out the show notes on Get It Done Mum blog.