Fire Up Your Relationship to Enjoy Heart-to-Heart Connection and an Exciting Love Life.

‘3-Hour Couples Workshop in Westmere, Auckland’

Imagine finding the keys to a deeper connection and more excitement in your relationship… And blissful lovemaking that both of you are looking forward to…Imagine discovering a way to fulfil your and your partner’s needs without any compromises and looking forward to a passionate love adventure together…

If you are a man, imagine turning on your woman just by your powerful masculine presence… Getting all the respect and admiration that you want. And seeing her melting in your tender and strong embrace…

If you are a woman, imagine him cherishing you, giving you all the affection and support that you need. Imagine him being present with you and moreover loving you no matter how emotional you are. He is there for you. You are the most gorgeous woman in his life. Imagine seeing this in his eyes.

Intrigued? Of course you are. Let us tell you more…

  • What if you could rekindle the love and delicious passion that you had in the beginning of your relationship?
  • What if there was a way to find more time to spend with your partner, even though now it seems like there is no way because family and work take most of your time?
  • What if you can have more fun and intimate moments with your partner?

Yes! Yes! Yes! Let us show you how!

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Join us for a 3-hour “Fire Up Your Relationship” workshop to discover the keys to more love, connection and passion.


By the end of this workshop you will:

  • Discover how to sustain the intensity of love and passion.
  • Discover the tools that will allow you to deepen your relationship so that you feel supported and understood.
  • Discover how to get what you need from your partner without arguments.

Why would you want to act now and have more fun and connection in your relationship?

Of course, you can wait and hope for things to change and have more time for each other one day. There is a danger there though. If there is no deep intimate connection, it’s so easy to lose your relationship, because the longer you feel disconnected, the more you will drift apart when eventually it’ll be really hard to revive your love.

When we are not lit up by our love life, our bodies shut down and life becomes dull and a struggle. Research shows that satisfying relationships add years to our life and improve our overall well-being.

What would it be worth to you to have a fulfilling relationship and a deep connection with your partner?

If you are ready to take your relationship to a new level and deepen your love, join us!

With Tarisha Tourok, relationship expert and an author of “Deeply in Love Again: an essential guide for the modern woman to get the spark back and enjoy the relationship she always wanted”.

tarishaTarisha’s passion is to support you in creating a relationship that you always dreamed about; the kind of relationship that you (truthfully) brag about to your girlfriends and the kind of relationship where a thought of seeing your partner gives you the warm fuzzies.

Tarisha is a relationship expert who understands the differences between men and women and how to transform your relationship into exciting and loving one.

Tarisha teaches you how to communicate with your partner so that he gives you the love and attention you desire. She teaches you how to find your own power and live your life as a full expression of who you are and how to become an irresistible woman who adores herself and feels comfortable in her own body.

Register Now!
“Tarisha Really Understands What Men and Women Need”

Almost immediately after Tarisha arrived at our weekly Essentially Men group for a talk about relationships between men and women , a new energy seemed to take hold of our group…We enjoyed rich, honest discussion about men’s and women’s needs, and it was fascinating to explore the male-female dynamic. I gained powerful insights into my relationship with my partner, and I feel as if I understand women better now. It was an uplifting and illuminating experience!Eric Atwood, Auckland, Essentially Men