Angry or Upset With Your Partner?
Follow This Simple 5-Step Formula To Stop the Arguments and Get Your Needs Met
There’s that familiar tension. You’re starting that same argument again.
Why is this happening? Why doesn’t he understand me?
Sound familiar?
Learn the 5 critical steps to stop destructive arguments. Apply these steps in your relationship to resolve even the hardest disagreements. (TIP: Don’t even try to resolve your arguments without applying steps 3 & 4…)
Get through to your man and inspire him to give you what you need so that you feel loved and supported.
Enjoy a deep intimate connection with your partner and create even more intimacy and understanding by skillfully navigating through your disagreements.
Use this formula with your partner, your children and your friends to become a top communicator everyone wants to be around!
This is the same formula my private clients use with great success to stop arguments from destroying their love. Follow these simple steps to get your needs met. Tarisha Tourok, Relationship Expert and Author of "Deeply In Love Again"