Do you want to…
You can get more insights to really transforming your relationship today…
Begin the 21 Day Fire-Up-Your-Connection Challenge and Discover Fast, Easy Ways to Enjoy More Play, Romance & Intimacy With Your Partner.
If you want your partner to support you and fulfil all your crazy desires, or you just want him to look at you with adoration, then read on…
Let me ask you a question (or two):
That would make your life so much more peaceful, joyful and exciting, right?
That’s Why I Created 21 Days of Tips and Practices to Transform Your Relationship So That You Start to Feel Loved, Supported and Understood
The 21 Day Fire-Up-Your-Connection Challenge will give you all the support that you need to create more love and understanding in your relationship. And more importantly, you will have a great accountability structure through our private Facebook group.
You will have to implement the tips and practices! And see your relationship flourish…
Yes, you need support to really make this work for you. Join only if you want to transform your relationship rather than just receive information.
“Our Relationship Is Developing Into a Really Close and Loving One.” There were some real gems in your 21 day challenge, and I probably need to remind myself of those things so I don’t fall back into dysfunctional patterns when things get tough! It been a challenging month relationship wise as my partner has moved in so lots of changes for us both and we’re still figuring out how best to operate.
So even though we’ve had some rough patches, generally were becoming closer and better at communicating and its developing into a really close and loving relationship. Thank you so much! And yes I would recommend your programme.Helen
I will walk you through 21 practices, complete with an email and a video for each day. Don’t worry about the time commitment, these practices are simple, yet profound, and won’t take you more than 10 – 20 minutes each day.
There is always an opportunity to take the practice deeper if you wish and I’m here to support you in whatever you choose.
There must be a way to enjoy a deep and intimate connection with my partner and get the spark back, right?
Sound familiar?
You yearn for more affection and understanding in your relationship. You know you deserve it.
You talk to your girlfriends trying to figure out how to get the spark back…
…and maybe you find out that their passion has disappeared as well…
…perhaps you even decide that all long-term relationships are destined for boredom…
…still – something in you just doesn’t want to settle for mediocrity…
Here’s the big question…
Are you prepared to do what it takes to enjoy the relationship you really want?
Believe it or not, it’s possible. If you’re committed, you really can get the affection and support that you want from your partner.
Don’t wait for your partner to change. Don’t continue living life feeling unloved and unappreciated.
You CAN inspire your partner to be there for you… to have meaningful conversations… to open up his heart… to make you a priority over work or hanging out with his mates… right now!
“Romance Is Emerging In Our Life!” Yes I did find it extremely useful and still do – I cut and pasted the tag line and brief description into a word doc –It’s now in my gratitude diary so I can have a flick through when I’m feeling the need.
My husband did notice the effort I was making and he rose to respond – maybe there might even be some romance emerging from him haha (he’s a good solid kiwi bloke!). Emma
Join the 21-Day “Fire Up Your Connection” Challenge to quickly transform your relationship in the company of other women and with my loving support!
This challenge will inspire and support you to create the relationship you really want.
According to the International Coaching Association people get 90% more success when they work with a coach. Why? Because it’s hard to change our habits without help.
When You Complete the 21 Day Challenge You Will
Realize that you have the power to change your relationship.
Once you tap into your power, you will be able to create the relationship that you want without asking your man to change. You will create love in your life rather than hope for it.
Learn simple practices that create deep emotional connection with your partner.
Skip past the mistakes and obstacles that most women do and learn simple tips to get you all the love and passion that you want.
Discover how to talk to your man so he understands you.
Study the secrets about men that men would never tell you; these secrets are essential to creating a deeply intimate, loving relationship.
Communicate with your partner in a way that inspires him to support you and give you the love and understanding you need.
Stop feeling disconnected and frustrated with your partner, because you’ll know that the power is in your hands and you’ll learn how to use it.
Learn ancient tantric practices to spice up your love life.
The result – a deeply intimate and loving relationship!

Why do you need to pay attention to your relationship right now?
Do you know that 50% of all marriages end in divorce? And only 25% of all couples say they are happy. But relationships are what makes us happy! People in happy relationships live longer, do more fun stuff and have more friends!
Do you want to be in the 25% of happy couples? Or are you willing to settle?
The longer you stay disconnected, the more you will drift apart until eventually it’ll be really hard to get your love back…
Do you know how heart-breaking the separations are? Apparently, it triggers the same response in us as when someone close to us dies…
How good will it feel to laugh and deeply connect in love with your partner again?
When you solve your relationship issues, think about all the extra energy you’ll have left over for your projects and social life.
See yourself sharing with your girlfriends about how wonderful and exciting your relationship is!
How will your life change when you start to feel supported, understood and dearly loved by your partner?
Join us for the 21 Day Fire-Up-Your-Connection Challenge
You get an email with a practice and a video every second day (to give you more for each practice) with a total of 21 practices that will walk you step-by-step through the areas you need to focus on in your relationship.
And price shouldn’t be an issue, because you can have access to the complete 21 Day Fire-Up-Your-Connection Challenge (plus invaluable bonuses) for just $97.
You get all of this for only $97…
Literally; you can go out for a mundane dinner with your partner or you can totally transform your relationship to the one you’ve always dreamt of, with all the affection and support that you want.
The choice is yours.
If you are ready to get started, click the “Join Now” button below and finally have the deep heart-to-heart connection that you are longing for.
“I Have Become Much More Positive” I really enjoyed the 21 day challenge, I have become much more positive with my hubby and ignoring things like work bag and shoes left in the dining room.
After 23 years I am learning to appreciate each little thing he does.Liana
Wait! There’s more – Act now and receive instant bonuses in addition to the challenge materials.
Bonus #1: Learn to Speak “Manguage”
You will get access to my web class “Secrets That Men Will Never Tell You but You Need to Know to Be Happy in Love”.
Unless you know “manguage” you will continue feeling frustrated, unloved and stressed in your relationship, because you will interpret his behaviour through your female understanding.
These interpretations are what hurts us, rather than behaviour.
Once you learn the difference, you’ll be able to communicate with your partner with ease and grace and accomplish what you need.
Do you know one of the most important needs of a man? He will find a way to fulfil this essential need either with you or somewhere else, if you don’t honour this need. Maybe by working a lot, maybe by spending most of his spare time with his mates, or maybe by having an affair. The drive to fulfil this need is so strong in a man that he’ll find a way to do it. You definitely need to know this.
Value: $57
Bonus #2: Private Facebook Group
You will get the access to our private Facebook group to receive the support from me and the other women on the course. You will see that you are not alone with your problems. The support of other women can be incredible and will motivate you to transform your relationship into something beautiful.
Value: $197
Bonus #3: Relationship Health Assessment
Value: $49
As you can see, these bonuses have a total value of $303… but they’re yours when you act now!
And you have nothing to lose because you have my 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Click the Button Below to Join 21 Day Fire-Up-Your-Connection Challenge For Just $97!
Join 21 Day Challenge For Just $97Get instant access – even at 2am – guaranteed!
Do NOT attempt to change your relationship until you participate in this challenge…
I’m sure you’ve heard the expression…
“The blind leads the blind.”
That’s exactly what’s happening when women take advice from their girlfriends on how to get the love they want!
Most of people have no idea how to create fulfilling and exciting relationships and their advice won’t work, or worse – will create more drama and unhappiness in your relationship.
Well, I have an advantage over everyone else.
You see, I have coached dozens of clients and helped hundreds of people, changing their relationships for the better.
So now you don’t have to go it alone!
Normally my private coaching is upwards of $3,500. I want to make your life easier and your relationship more enjoyable…
After all, love makes the world go round, right?
…which is why I’m going to offer you the 21 Day Fire-Up-Your-Connection Challenge with a practice for each day, a video of me and my personal support through our private Facebook group…
…for just $27.
Yes, Just $97
You can become a magnetic and powerful woman, who takes her relationship to the next level and avoid harmful mistakes that other couples are making, which ultimately diminish love and intimacy.
The choice is yours. If you want to get started, click the “Join Now” button and learn how to transform your relationship without having to nag or attempt to change your partner (Which, by the way, doesn’t work. As I’m sure you already know.)
“Much More Intimacy And Openness!” Thanks for the opportunity to do your challenge! We are experiencing a much more open & intimate relationship which grew daily!
I have to say that I don’t think I could have done this at any time though, I was ready to invest in us now that my third child has just turned one and simply had the time to enjoy the challenge & outcome. Thanks again. Marie
Frequently Asked Questions
QUESTION: What is the “21 Day Challenge”?
ANSWER: It’s a 21 day program with a practice that you receive via email every second day (for a total of 21 practices) and a webpage with a daily short video where I walk you through the practice so you can implement it right away in your relationship.
I have worked with hundreds of people, I’ve tested what works and what doesn’t, so the practices I give you will get results.
They’re all meat and no fluff. The 21 Day Challenge is all about taking action and transforming your relationship as quickly and easily as possible.
QUESTION: Is there a guarantee?
ANSWER: Yep…all our trainings have a 30-day, no-questions-asked guarantee.
In other words, if you aren’t happy for any reason, just let us know and we’ll give you your money back. We obviously don’t think it’ll come to that, but if you’re even the least bit worried if this will work for you, then put your mind at ease.
You either get the results you want or you get your money back. It’s as simple as that!
QUESTION: Why $97?
ANSWER: If you’re thinking “$97 is cheap…what’s the catch?” then here are three reasons that should put you at ease:
1. $97 puts this information within the reach of everyone… I’d love to see more couples being deeply in love with each other, hugging and laughing on the streets.
2. It attracts people who want to transform rather than just receive free information. I only want committed women who take action in our group, and in my experience charging for the program attracts action takers.
3. I also believe that once you experience this 21 Day Challenge, you’ll want more and maybe…just maybe…you’ll come back and maybe join my “Magnetic Woman” retreat or “Re-ignite Your Love” course or even apply for private couple’s coaching with me.
QUESTION: How long will it take to get access?
ANSWER: You’ll get access immediately
You will get access to bonuses immediately by clicking in the link you’ll receive in the email we’ll send you right away. You will get the email with the first practice immediately, and afterwards you’ll receive an email and a video every second day for 41 days, with a total of 21 practices.
QUESTION: Is this challenge only for women in a relationship?
ANSWER: Yes, this challenge is specifically for women in a relationship.
You will get the most benefit out of this challenge by implementing the practices in your relationship.
That said, if you are single and want to learn more about how to make relationships work, you are welcome as well.
Get INSTANT Access to the 21 Day Fire-Up-Your-Connection Challenge
Join 21 Day Challenge For Just $97Meet Tarisha Tourok, relationship expert.
“How I went from feeling stuck and hopeless, to feeling connected and enjoying a fulfilling relationship!”
I know how much it hurts being in a relationship but not feeling connected and understood on a deeper, more intimate level. 12 years ago, after being in my marriage for two years, I started to wonder what had happened to the passion my husband and I had once shared.
Where was my perfect lover that I had dreamt of when I was 17; the man that would take me on an ecstatic love adventure? I was achieving great results in my career, yet I felt that routine took away my joy and passion. I was miserable; I didn’t feel loved and felt stuck in my relationship. It was so scary to feel completely alone while being with a guy I loved.
What now? Where to go, what to do? I had a yearning to create a deep intimate relationship full of love and growth, but I just didn’t know how to do it.
I took a jump. I resigned from my job, left the country and divorced a man I loved. I went to India. I jumped into all the possible workshops, from Hypnosis, Opening to Self-Love to Tantra and Becoming Friends with Death. OHHHH!!! Finally! I totally, completely, fell head over heels in love with myself and life. What a joy it was to experiencing love from deep within!
Life became a delight and people around me were so beautiful! Welcome home Tarisha!
Now I know that the most important relationship I have is with myself, and I dearly nourish this relationship. This allows me to enjoy deep and intimate connection with my partner. I skilfully navigate through the arguments and create even deeper connections in my life. I’m in love with my body, while previously I thought I was too fat and ugly. I love my femininity and have a PhD in the art of seduction that I love sharing with other women. We all need more playfulness and joy!
My passion is to support you in creating the relationship that you have always dreamed about; the kind of relationship that you (truthfully) brag about to your girlfriends and the kind of relationship where the thought of seeing your partner gives you the warm fuzzies. That is the kind of relationship I can help you to achieve.
I’m a relationship expert who understands the differences between men and women and how to transform your relationship into an exciting and loving one. We were never taught in school how to relate to men to inspire them to love us.
I teach you how to communicate with your partner so that he gives you the love and attention you desire.
I teach you how to find your own power and live your life as a full expression of who you are. I support you in becoming an irresistible woman who adores herself and feels comfortable in her own body.
- I’m the author of “Deeply in Love Again: An Essential Guide For The Modern Woman To Enjoy A Relationship She Really Wants”. I’ve studied with great relationships experts such as Tony Robbins, Sue Johnson, John Gottman, Helen Pooler and others. I have coached hundreds of people in my private practice, led numerous workshops and retreats for couples and women and presented at a variety of conferences.
Get INSTANT Access to the 21 Day Fire-Up-Your-Connection Challenge
Join 21 Day Challenge For Just $97Get instant access – even at 2am – guaranteed!
Tarisha Tourok
9 Kotare Ave
Auckland, New Zealand
Phone: +64211900516